Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Back from Vacation, Lost all Motivation....How to get back on track??

You have started this new lifestyle change and you have a vacation planned next week. You know how you are, you are going to pack your workout clothes, you swear to yourself you are going to get up and workout everyday, you are going to eat healthy, and stay strong...right?

But let's face it....you get down to the beach, the cabin, Las Vegas, etc. You may keep on track for the first day being there. But as the days go on, lets get serious. You do not workout. You do not eat healthy. You do not stick to your healthy lifestyle. You do not stay strong. You have completely  fallen off track. Are you disappointed? Discouraged? It's okay, it happens to the best of us and it is hard to try and make the best choices while you are away enjoying yourself-not having a care in the world. You want to be in the moment and go with the flow when you are on vacation.
I am here to help you get back on track after coming back. Because at this point I bet you are feeling unmotivated, bloated, lack of energy, bummed out. Yes, I know... I just got back from a little girls trip myself. I was in Las Vegas- 4 days, 3 nights of going with the flow, not worrying about anything, with no working out or even eating close to healthy. I know how you are feeling and if you are looking for that sign or something to help you get back to your motivated self again. Let me help!!!!
1. Go back to your "why"- I strongly believe this should be number one and always be. You need to dig deep and pull out that sheet of paper which has your "why" statement. Why did you start in the first place? What is your ultimate goal? The reason you have written on that sheet of paper will give you that satisfaction to get started again.
2. Pick a start date- you have to have a date in mind on when you are starting up again. Do not just say it out loud to yourself, write it down because that makes it more real. If you just say it out loud/in your head you are giving yourself an easy out and a chance to slip up and miss it.
3. Goal Body- Find a picture of that goal body you want. Print the picture out. Hang it in front of your mirror, by your workout space, anywhere you want to. Walking pass this picture will give you more determination to get up and moving.
4. Plan- Meal plan. Sit down, write out a food shopping list, go to the store. Pick a day to prep your food and have it all ready for the week. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks, etc. This doesn't give you a chance to slip up, stop at a fast food drive through, or make those poor choices.
5. Workout clothes- Set out your workout clothes. Whether you workout in the morning or the evening put your workout clothes out and ready to go. That way when you get up or get home from your busy day they are the first thing you see. This delays you from doing anything else first, stops letting you make excuses, and gets your butt moving.
6. Alarm Message- You may think this is weird and that is okay, but this really works for me. When I sent my alarm, I also make myself a "label." It is just a little memo, so when my alarm goes off I see the message I wrote to myself, telling me to "get my back up out of bed", "you slacked for a whole week". Something that will push you to get up vs. hitting the snooze.
7. E&E- Get youself some Energy and Endurance. I swear by this and it does wonders when you are lacking energy and need a little all natural kick in the butt.
8. DVD..Ready, Set, Go- If you are worried about making an excuse, put your workout dvd in the dvd player the night before or in the morning. That way all you have to do is go to your workout spot and push play.
9. Progess- Track your progress. After been off for a while you are going to get mad at yourself for letting all your hard work go. Take your pictures and keep them to yourself. This will help you not give up. Chances are, you are not going to see that amazing transformation right away. But, if you take a picture each week and compare them side by side- you will start to see progress and it will make you push harder.
10. Down- Do not get down on yourself. You are human. Everyone has slip ups and no one is perfect. You messed up. Don't dwell on it. Understand where you went wrong and get moving.
Does this have you a little motivated? Are you ready to start up again? All you need sometimes is a little push and just need to know that there are other people out there who are struggling to get back on track. You don't have to go fast...you just have to go. Don't wait another day to get started, everyday that passes you by, is one day that you are further away from your goals.
I hope this helped you! If you have anymore questions or need help getting back on track send me a message or e-mail me at alyssayourish@gmail.com.

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