Saturday, April 19, 2014

Chocolate, Peeps, Jelly Beans...Temptations EVERYWHERE!!!!

The holidays are here! With that I get really nervous, because with the holidays comes the sweet treats, drinks, and food overload. The holidays are fantastic because you are spending quality time with your family, but it also can be stressful because you do not want to throw away your hard work.
Easter Temptations

Enjoy yourself it is the holiday weekend but don't overload it. Don't feel guilty for eating the proper portion controls or saying "no" to the candy. This is your life and you are in control of everything you are choosing. But do not be miserable.
You set goals for a reason so I ask you to sit down & write them out. Look at them and ask yourself, if I eat these jelly beans is it going to bring me one step closer to my goal or is it going to push me back? Remember this is your life and if you want to be in a certain position you must do the things every day to get you there.

Don't wish for something, work for it!

With that said....are you nervous for the holiday weekend? Don't want to get off track. Follow some of these steps to make sure you are sticking to your plan!!!

Easter Temptations

1. Wake up early and get your workout in : All you need to do is set your alarm clock to thirty minutes earlier and have you time. Getting up earlier will ensure you are getting it done, because you know if you put it off until later it will not get done, once you get home from your holiday travels or cleaning up after everyone leaves.

2. Get a good breakfast in : sometimes you can't control what you will eat for Easter (if you are not cooking) you can offer to bring something, but sometimes it is out of your hands. If you can control anything, start your day off right with a good breakfast. You can have Shakeology , Oatmeal, Fruit Smoothie, Egg Whites, there is something to make for everyone. Just because it is Easter does not mean you need to go for the sugar to enjoy yourself.

3. Get your water on : This is a hard one for me! I am always in a routine and I know when I need to drink my water, but holidays always throw me off. Sticking to your water intake will help you avoid temptations as well. Drink water & you won't pick at the food, you are NOT hungry, you are just picking because it is sitting in front of you. Have a hard time drinking plain water? You can add fruit and veggies to give it a little flavor.

4. Don't over eat : Portion control is key!

5. Enjoy a treat : Don't go for the candy first. After brunch, dinner, etc is all said and done, then choose a treat you want to enjoy. You will be filled up with veggies & food you won't over indulge in the sweets.

Try these tips for the Easter Holiday and remember your goals.
Don't feel guilty, but enjoy your time.

I hope you all have a fantastic holiday!!!!

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