Saturday, October 5, 2013

Stress Less Session 2: Stress and Your Mind

We're back at it again for a second week. How did you do on your first week? How many time did you use a technique? How would you rate your overall stress level last week and how did you handle it (scale on 1-10)? 

So, let's first reflect on your past week.

What were the main effects you noticed after completing your deep breathing practice sessions? 

What did you discover that made your practice of deep breathing more effective?

What, if anything, got in the way of relaxing when you practiced your deep breathing technique? 

How did the thought dots(or other remainder tool) work for you? 

What was the biggest point shift in "before" and "after"  tension levels (in points) that you saw in any practice session? 

Your missions to think about this week:
-to expand your deep breathing skills.
-to learn two new quick coping techniques: humor & chanting.
-to deepen your understanding of stress and coping. 
-to understand the effects of stress on your mind and how your mind need it's from coping worth stress.

A good technique, but different to use is "thought" dots. These can be any stickers: colors, shapes, etc. You out these anywhere you normally see. On your bathroom mirror, cell phone, computer , anywhere you are when you get frazzled. I think to associate colors with my feelings. So when I see the color yellow- it makes me happy and I smile. Or put a big red sticker on the fridge so you know not to go in there late night. I think of red, STOP. These thought dots can be used for anything and they are interrupted how you want them to be. 

There are different effects from stress hormones. 
•a low level of stress hormones over a brief period of time can improve your performance of a given task. 
•a high level of stress hormones over a brief period of time can help you respond to a "fight or flight" crisis.
•but medium to high  levels of stress hormones over an extended period of time (chronic stress) are destructive to your mind and body- and therefore to your health and well-being. 

One way to fix all this or eliminate some is to change the way you think. Your perception plays a big part in stress levels. What you may perceive as stressful, may not necessarily cause stress for others.  Your perception may  cause you to have difficulty thinking clearly & focusing, you may become depressed,  or remembering  things may decrease faster . 

There are benefits of coping:
+feel more calm, more often 
+more patience
+less anger
+fewer temper outbursts
+improved ability to communicate
+improved relations family members 
+more restful sleep
+improved sense of well-being
+improved ability to manage difficulties
+improved self-confidence during stressful situations 
+improved ability to concentrate
+greater enjoyment of life

Coping Technique #2: good humor. Everybody has one or two things that happened to them and were funny right? Well here you go..laughter is the best medicine. Think of the funniest things that have ever happened to you. And wrote a amall description about each. Now, put those in a special place in your mind. Whenever something is bothering you or making you upset think of one of these stories. Take a deep breath and imagine it happening. 

Coping Technique #3: chanting. I told you I would try every technique and have an open mind, which is exactly what I did with this one. This helps change you mind and body how it reacts to stress. Think of positive thoughts and say them over in your head. "I am a good person" "all will be well" "everything happens for a reason" 

Next, you take a deep breathe. Think of a song that makes you relax. Repeat your positive thought words in that song. Don't sing the song you are thinking of , just sing your words to that beat over and over again. Different? I thought so too. 

Just be optimistic! It can be hard at times  but thinking the best always improves your mood. Here are some tips and tricks: -acknowledge the good things when they happen to you, when they do..enjoy! -try to not take it personally when something goes wrong. Realize when you are being blamed for things, it may be the person blaming you who has the problem. -remember all the good things that you do and that you are a good person. Fill your day with positive thoughts and accomplishments.-keep a journal of good thoughts, so when you are filling down you can look at them. -act optimistic! 

And lastly...change your view. You choose how you view things, how you see them. How you perceive it decides whether it is stressful or not. 

I am choosing to view life with the glass half full rather than half empty. Be grateful for everything you have vs. not being grateful for the things you don't. You choose how to live your life so live it with positive upbeat thoughts. 

Have a great week!!!

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