21 Day Fix Extreme
This is going to be a different kinda update & progress of the fix extreme. When I started this journey I was ready AGAIN. I completed it once but my nutrition lacked. And I said I would commit 100%. Go hard in my workouts, clean up my eating with no cheats. I've done good, but I confess I did have a cheat meal. I felt like I was getting cranky & miserable and those combined aren't good for anyone. But I will say I feel better getting it outta my system. On the weekend I would seriously eat whatever (not all bad), no plan in place, etc. This go around my one cheat was just that one.
The results you see above aren't majorly noticeable, but I can tell you ....
- I'm down 3 pounds & some inches
-I'm gaining muscles again
-Abs are peaking through
-Calf muscles are showing
-Slowly my thighs aren't touching (just a tad bit)
-Clothes are fitting looser
Things I have come to conclusions on while doing this...
-I'm not perfect
-I feel so much better when I eat right & stick to my plan
-My mind is clearer
-I have more energy when I workout in the morning (even though I don't consider myself an am riser)
-I can push myself more, when I want to quit
-I'm so a schedule type of girl
-There is no such thing as the perfect body
Let me go further into this last one: I honestly was always the girl that was never "overweight" but to me I was. I was doing everything I could to lose weight but never had the six pack abs, while girls were out eating what they wanted & had them. So, then I started to not care what I put in my body & ate what I wanted, but gained weight. I wanted to be skinny, happy, & comfortable in my skin. I didn't want to go out and hangout with friends because standing next to them in pictures I was the heavy one. I was just so unhappy & literally had battles with my mind on a daily basis.

It wasn't until I started these programs. And then when the fix came out it was a game changer. I was doing it all wrong! I didn't have to eat like a rabbit to lose weight. I didn't have to starve myself. I could still eat my normal foods & feel satisfied! When I started the fix I was skeptical because I was being negative I wasn't giving myself credit & told myself I wouldn't last. This was just another fad and I was going quit like I always did. I started to doubt myself before I even started. I was overwhelmed with creating a meal plan. What if I was a failure?
What I mean by there is no perfect body...I mean for you. I was obsessing over get the number on the scale to it's lowest. I was trying to gain muscle, lose my belly, get summer abs, the whole shabang. But this program made me realize I don't need to be perfect & there are areas in which are always going to need work, but i am not unhealthy. I have never felt better. And sure I need to tighten up my diet a little, but I'm not depriving myself and then going out on a binge. If I want it I eat it...sometimes I feel guilty, other times I don't. Then next day I wipe it off & push that much harder in my workouts. It's all about moderation.
Set a goal that's specific to your fitness journey.
Don't compare yourself to others.
Reward yourself when you hit a NSV (non scale victory).
Trust in the process.
Take your before pictures/measurements, along with weekly updates (so you can compare your journey).
When you feel like your discouraged, look at those pictures.
If you truly don't see a difference then you need to take a good look in the mirror & see where you are going wrong. This process works , but are you sabotaging yourself??
It's hard because when we start a journey we want to see instant gratification. We always want the results like YESTERDAY. But you have to understand one bill and a days worth of dieting isn't going to make that happen. This is a healthylifestyle you are taking on. This isn't a diet one day, stop and gain it all back. Everything is about balance & moderation.
Cinnamon Apple Spice
I told you this was going to be a bit of a different update. I could tell you that I'm lifting heavier, pushing through more, & improving on my eating....which I am. But I wanted to give a perspective of what I have learned in the process. How I've changed my focus. I'm not working for the perfect body, I'm working for a healthy one. Are there areas in which I could do much better ? OF COURSE! But it won't happen all overnight. I set small goals for myself each week & when they are completed, I just check them off. Nothing feels better than scratching off goals when you've accomplished them. Just be a happy version if YOU! That's all you need to be.
You are beautiful.
You are amazing.
You are strong.
I would love to help you get started on your healthy fitness journey. I am always running monthly accountability group so send me an email at - alyssayourish@gmail.com to find out my next one.
Or take a moment to fill out the application below so I can get to know a little bit more about you & your fitness goals if interested in joining.